Our paper Balancing User Control and Perceived Robot Social Agency through the Design of End-User Robot Programming Interfaces (authors: Alex Wuqi Zhang, Rafael Queiroz, and Sarah Sebo) to be presented at HRI 2025 by Alex Wuqi Zhang has been nominated for best paper!
Our group has four papers accepted to the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI 2025) and we will present our work on March 6th (the final day of the conference):
Sarah received the NSF CAREER award to fund work focused on developing social skills for robots to interact and collaborate with groups of people! You can read more about this exciting award and project in this UChicago CS Department news article.
UChicago's HRI lab participated in the Museum of Science and Industry's annual Robot Block Party this past weekend, where we were able to showcase our robots and talk about human-robot interaction research with the Chicago community. It was fantastic to participate in such a fantastic event with other amazing roboticists in the Chicago area! During the event, our lab members and robots were also featured on local Chicago TV stations NBC Chicago and WGN News.
HRI lab meetings will be held during the 2024 Spring quarter on Tuesdays from 3:30pm - 4:30pm in JCL 354 starting Tuesday, March 19. If you’re a current UChicago student and interested in learning more about our research and/or how to get involved with our research, please feel free to join our weekly lab meetings. Feel free to email sarahsebo@uchicago.edu if you have any questions.
Our paper A Taxonomy of Robot Autonomy for Human-Robot Interaction (authors: Stephanie Kim, Jacy Reese Anthis, and Sarah Sebo) presented at HRI 2024 by Stephanie Kim was given an honorable mention for best paper!
Stephanie Kim, Spenger Ng, Jacy Anthis, and Sarah Sebo attended the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI 2024) in Boulder Colorado. Stephanie and Spencer both presented their papers:
PI Sarah Sebo is a joint author of the paper RoSI A Model for Predicting Robot Social Influence that was just accepted for publication at THRI. This paper proposes a new conceptual model that predicts the level of social influence a robot has in a human-robot interaction based on two factors: violation of expectation and a person's social belonging with the robot. To learn more, please read the paper:
PI Sarah Sebo is a member of a collaborative team that has just published a paper in the THRI journal defining the sub-field of HRI called Interaction-Shaping Robotics (ISR). ISR investigates robots that influence the behaviors and attitudes exchanged between two (or more) other agents. To learn more, please read the paper:
HRI lab meetings will be held during the 2024 Winter quarter on Mondays from 3:30pm - 4:30pm in JCL 346 starting Monday, January 8. If you’re a current UChicago student and interested in learning more about our research and/or how to get involved with our research, please feel free to join our weekly lab meetings. Feel free to email sarahsebo@uchicago.edu if you have any questions.
Our group has two papers accepted to the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI 2024):
On a hot morning in July, a sleepy John Crerar Library starts to rouse as students arrive for Introduction to Robot Programming and Design, a college-level summer course for Chicago Public Schools rising seniors. Since Crerar’s renovation five years ago,...
The Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) labs at the University of Chicago (UChicago), the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW Madison), and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) gathered to discuss future collaborations.
Our group had a paper accepted to CHI 2023 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '23)
Ice-Breaking Technology: Robots and Computers Can Foster Meaningful Connections between Strangers through In-Person Conversations by Alex Wuqi Zhang, Ting-Han Lin, Xuan Zhao, Sarah Sebo
Our lab demoed our some current research projects at Chicago's Museum of Science and Industry for their Robot Block Party event. It was incredibly fun to share our work and robots with so many interested children, adults, and robo-enthusiasts!
A first-of-its-kind study looked at the effectiveness of using technological facilitators to “break the ice” between strangers and increase overall well-being.
HRI lab meetings will be held during the 2023 Spring quarter on Mondays from 11:30am - 12:30pm in JCL 346 starting Monday, March 27. If you’re a current UChicago student and interested in learning more about our research and/or how to get involved with our research, please feel free to join our weekly lab meetings. Feel free to email sarahsebo@uchicago.edu if you have any questions.
Imagine a world where humans empathize with robots. Well, according to recent research at the University of Chicago, they already do. About 40 students gathered in classroom B211 in the Technological Institute Friday afternoon to hear about University of Chicago computer science Prof. Sarah Sebo’s research as director of the Human-Robot Interaction Lab. Sebo presented
HRI lab meetings will be held during the 2023 Winter quarter on Wednesdays from 3:00pm - 4:00pm in JCL 346 starting Wednesday, Jan 11. If you’re a current UChicago student and interested in learning more about our research and/or how to get involved with our research, please feel free to join our weekly lab meetings. Feel free to email sarahsebo@uchicago.edu if you have any questions.
HRI lab meetings will be held during the 2022 Fall quarter on Wednesdays from 12:30pm - 1:30pm in JCL 354 starting Wednesday, September 28. If you’re a current UChicago student and interested in learning more about our research and/or how to get involved with our research, please feel free to join our weekly lab meetings. Feel free to email sarahsebo@uchicago.edu if you have any questions.
This fall, we are welcoming two new PhD students to the lab: Lauren Wright and Tewodros Ayalew. Welcome Lauren and Tewodros!
Our group is presenting 3 papers at the IEEE International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2022):
Lauren, Spencer, and Timmy are attending RO-MAN in Naples, Italy this week to present their work!
Our group had 3 papers accepted to the IEEE International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2022):
Our lab demoed our some current research projects at Chicago's Museum of Science and Industry for their Robot Block Party event. It was incredibly fun to share our work and robots with so many interested children, adults, and robo-enthusiasts!
HRI lab meetings will be held during the 2022 Spring quarter on Mondays from 3:00pm - 4:00pm CST in JCL 354 starting Monday, April 4. If you’re a current UChicago student and interested in learning more about our research and/or how to get involved with our research, please feel free to join our weekly lab meetings. Feel free to email sarahsebo@uchicago.edu if you have any questions.
Some of the HRI Lab members visited Chicago's Green River while in downtown Chicago. The city dyes the Chicago river green each year for St. Patrick's day.
We had our first in-person lab demo session for the admitted CS PhD students visit day!
Sarah delivered her baby in December of 2021 and is on parental leave during the Winter quarter of 2022.
We brainstormed activities that might increase an interpersonal bond between a human and a robot during our weekly lab meeting.
HRI lab meetings will be held during the 2021 Fall quarter on Mondays from 4:00pm - 5:00pm CST in JCL 354 starting Monday, October 4. If you’re a current UChicago student and interested in learning more about our research and/or how to get involved with our research, please feel free to join our weekly lab meetings. Feel free to email sarahsebo@uchicago.edu if you have any questions.
For UChicago students interested in learning more about human-robot interaction research, in the fall quarter of 2021 PI Sarah Sebo is teaching CMSC 33281 Topics in Human-Robot Interaction. This course gives students a broad overview of current cutting-edge research in HRI and also provides students with the opportunity of conducting their very own HRI research project.
This summer, 4 undergraduate UChiacgo students conducted summer internships in the HRI lab working on a variety of interesting projects - we had a great time!
For UChicago students interested in learning more about robotics, in the spring quarter of 2021 PI Sarah Sebo is teaching CMSC 20600 Introduction to Robotics . This course is a hands-on and project based course designed to give students familiarity programming physical robots and real-world environments. Check out the course website for more details.
We, the HRI lab at UChicago, had our first lab meeting! Lab meetings will occur every week from 3:00pm - 4:00pm on Thursdays. If you’re a current UChicago student and interested in learning more about our research and/or how to get involved with our research, please feel free to join our weekly lab meetings (email sarahsebo@uchicago.edu for the Zoom link).
For UChicago students interested in learning more about robotics, in the winter quarter of 2021 PI Sarah Sebo is teaching CMSC 20600 Introduction to Robotics . This course is a hands-on and project based course designed to give students familiarity programming physical robots and real-world environments. Check out the course website for more details.
PI Sarah Sebo’s work The Influence of Robot Verbal Support on Human Team Members: Encouraging Outgroup Contributions and Suppressing Ingroup Supportive Behavior has been published in Frontiers in Psychology: Performance Science in their special issue Teamwork in Human-Machine Teaming.
PI Sarah Sebo presented her work Robots in Groups and Teams: A Literature Review at the virtual CSCW 2020 conference.